2011年1月12日 星期三

The President as Leader

Power and purpose in Leadership 1
Cultural Leadership 49
Franklin D. Roosevelt 77
Lyndon b. Johnson 109
Ronald reagan 133
Leadership of Polity 161
Notes 193
Index 211

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The President as Leader

Appealing to the Better Angels of Our Nature

Erwin C. Hargrove

240 pages, 5-1/2 x 8-1/2
Cloth ISBN 978-0-7006-0900-0, $29.95
Paper ISBN 978-0-7006-0996-3, $17.95

Book Cover ImageFew issues have clung to the presidency in recent years as tenaciously as that of moral leadership. This timely book, based on a lifetime of personal observation by an award-winning author, examines the politics of ideals to propose that, just as moral purpose without political craft is weak, political acumen without moral appeal is futile.

Looking back to the timeless political theories of Aristotle and Machiavelli, Erwin C. Hargrove asks how presidents can most effectively combine political arts and skills with intellectual and moral leadership. He draws on his own scholarly research and synthesizes critical thinking about leadership--especially the point-counterpoint perspectives of Richard Neustadt and James MacGregor Burns. With insight and intelligence, he shows how effective leadership demands a judicious balance of commitment to the public good and an ability to discern the possibilities for political action at any moment.

Hargrove argues that political leadership must contain a moral element if it is to be fully effective, and that a successful president must provide leadership in accord with the ideals embedded in American culture. To demonstrate this theory, he suggests a model with which to analyze, compare, and evaluate political leaders, and then assesses the presidencies of Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, and Ronald Reagan according to the model's normative implications. By examining the three presidents in terms of skill, character, cultural leadership, and other qualities, Hargrove extends his analysis beyond individual presidents to generate keen insights about presidential leadership in general.

This thoughtful book clearly demonstrates that craft dissolves into cleverness without a clear sense of moral purpose, and that truth-telling, empowerment, and altruism in politics are not only desirable but achievable. The President as Leader is the capstone of a distinguished career, synthesizing years of observation and research about issues that occupy the thoughts of many Americans. In taking Lincoln's evocation of the better angels of our nature as a source of inspiration for his own reflections, Hargrove reminds us that we, as leaders, have the means before us to become better versions of ourselves.

"In this intellectually engaging book, Hargrove argues that successful presidents are those who combine political skills with intellectual and moral leadership. He examines three distinctively different presidencies--Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, and Ronald Reagan--in revealing, exceptionally well written profiles. Strongly recommended."--Choice

"A timely and powerful argument for the proposition that American values are the strongest force a president can mobilize--an argument presented with philosophical and literary learning as well as sound political science scholarship. This is the crowning achievement of the dean of presidential studies."--James MacGregor Burns, author of Leadership

"Hargrove does himself proud in a stimulating book that is at once reflective and readable."--Richard E. Neustadt, author of Presidential Power and the Moral Presidents

"A timely reminder of what political leadership should be and an eloquent analysis of why so many fall short."--Stephen Skowronek, author of The Politics Presidents Make

"Hargrove provides an account of executive power that deepens our understanding of character and elevates our aspirations for leadership."--Jeffrey Tulis, author of The Rhetorical Presidency

ERWIN C. HARGROVE is professor of political science at Vanderbilt University and winner of the prestigious Richard E. Neustadt Award. Among his other books are Impossible Jobs in Public Management, Presidential Leadership, The Power of the Modern Presidency, and Jimmy Carter As President: Leadership and the Politics of the Public Good.







 與此同時,毛澤東的詩詞和語錄也在我們的生活裡 無處不在。從城市到農村,從磚牆到土牆,從屋裡到屋外,布滿了毛澤東的詩詞和語錄,還有毛澤東如紅太陽一樣金光閃閃的頭像。我們吃飯的碗上印有毛澤東語錄 「革命不是請客吃飯」,我們喝水的杯子上印有毛澤東詩詞:「才飲長沙水,又食武昌魚。」毛澤東的詩詞和語錄讓我們在日常生活裡時刻觸景生情,當我們睡覺 時,枕巾上印著「千萬不要忘記階級鬥爭」,床單上印著「在大風大浪中奮勇前進」。




 現在回想起來,我的小夥伴們沒有說錯。「毛主席就在我們身邊」只是文化大革命的一個超現實,毛澤東金光閃閃的頭像和毛主席紅色字體的語 錄,以無處不在的方式營造了這個超現實。真正現實中的毛澤東,對於我們來說是那麼的遙遠和虛幻,只是存在於某個象徵之中。我和毛澤東之間的真實距離,如同 我童年的夥伴們所說的那樣,就是在夢中也不會相遇。



 這個人理所當然地成為了我們小鎮的英雄,我經常看到他揹著一個黃綠色的軍用書包,在街上神采飛揚地走去。他的右手因為和毛澤東的右手接觸 過,整整一年沒有清洗,看上去似乎比他的左手粗大了一些,又黑又髒像是熊掌。我們小鎮上認識他的人都去和他的熊掌握手,然後喜滋滋地互相說:「我握了毛主 席握過的手。」







 我等待了很久,才聽到這五個最高權力機構聯合發出的「訃告」一詞,播音員的聲音繼續沉痛和緩慢地響著:「偉大的領袖,偉大的導師,偉大的 統帥,偉大的舵手……」我又等待了很久,才聽到毛澤東主席因病不幸逝世,播音員沉痛的聲音還沒有說到「享年八十三歲」,我們學校的禮堂已是一片哭聲。

 我們的領袖逝世了,我的眼淚也是奪眶而出。我在一千多人的哭聲裡哭著,我聽到了呼天喊地的哭聲,聽到了上氣不接下氣的哭聲,聽到了快要噎 死般咳嗽的哭聲……我的思維開始走調了,悲痛不再左右我,離奇的哭聲開始引導我。當幾個人哭的時候,我感受到的肯定是悲痛,可是當一千多人同時在一間大屋 子裡哭,我感受到的卻是滑稽。我從來沒有聽到過如此豐富多彩的聲音,我心想就是全世界所有品種的動物派出它們的代表,集合到我們中學的禮堂裡一起嘶叫,也 可能沒有比這一千多人的哭聲更加稀奇古怪。

 這個不合時宜的念頭差點要了我的命,我忍不住偷偷笑了一下,又趕緊將後面湧上來的笑給憋回去。在當時,一旦我的笑容被人發現,我立刻就被 打成反革命分子,我的一生就會因此完蛋。我使勁憋住自己的笑,可是笑在我體內迅速發展,馬上就要洶湧而出了。我知道快要憋不住自己的笑聲了,我極其害怕, 我將雙臂交叉地放到前面同學的椅背上,將腦袋深深地埋進自己的雙臂裡。我在一千多人的哭聲裡,膽戰心驚地笑著,我愈是想制止自己的笑,愈是笑個不停。



