Modern Painters Part Three - Google 圖書結果
John Ruskin - 2005 - Art - 380 頁As the grass of the earth, thought of as the herb yielding seed, leads us to the ... a third family of plants, and fulfils a third office to the human race. ...
Modern Painters (1843) is book on art by John Ruskin which argues that recent painters emerging from the tradition of the picturesque are superior in the art of landscape to the old masters. The book was primarily written as a defence of the later work of J.M.W. Turner. Ruskin used the book to argue that art should devote itself to the accurate documentation of nature. In Ruskin's view Turner had developed from early detailed documentation of nature to a later more profound insight into natural forces and atmospheric effects.
Ruskin added later volumes in subsequent years. Volume two (1846) placed emphasis on symbolism in art, expressed through nature. The second volume was influential on the early development of Pre-Raphaelitism. Ruskin also added third and fourth volumes in later years.
- Mark Jarzombek, "Recognizing Ruskin: "Modern Painters" and the Refractions of Self", Assemblage, No. 32 (Apr., 1997), pp. 70–87
Long gestation period of Modern Painters I
In the Preface to the first edition of Modern Painters I, Ruskin had to 'apologise for the imperfection of a work which [he] could have wished not to have executed, but with years of reflection and revisal' ( MP I, 1843:xi). The germ from which Modern Painters I was eventually to grow was Ruskin's unpublished letter to Blackwood's (1836). Five years later he mentioned his first plans for 'a work of some labour', but little seems to have come of this intention in terms of actual writing. Ruskin himself was to date his renewed plans for 'Turner's work' as originating on 12 June 1842, in Geneva. The probable period of composition of Modern Painters I is from September 1842 to April 1843 - a period of only eight months, which was interrupted by the Ruskin family's move from Herne Hill to Denmark Hill. (See also daily routine while writing Modern Painters I, method of composition of Modern Painters I, order of composition of Modern Painters I, and Ruskin's defensiveness in the Preface to the first edition of Modern Painters I).
翻譯錯誤多多: 现代画家(共5册) 作者: (英)罗斯金(Ruskin.J.) 著,丁才云 等译,孙宜学 等校
译者: 丁才云
出版社: 广西师范大学出版社
出版年: 2005-08-01
页数: 全五册