初讀卡爾維諾(I. Calvino)『為什麼讀經典』之《奧德賽》
昨夜,在新北投「戴明研習中心」讀The Odysseys Within The Odyssey(pp.11-17)(伊塔羅.卡爾維諾(Italo Calvino)『為什麼讀經典』李桂蜜譯)
這篇的中文注太少,對於大部分讀者可能是障礙。像我稍為知道 Odysseys的本事和其羅馬名,再加上有英文本可讀,稍可進入狀況。基本上,漢譯還可以,不過,此章凸顯一難題:複數如何處理?譬如說,標題英文為 The Odysseys Within The Odyssey
翻譯文"《奧德賽》中的奧德賽" ,似宜改為「《奧德賽》中的(諸)奧德賽 」
又,如 nostoi 與 nostos 之關係並沒說清楚。(rl幫我找到一英文的說明:- nostos (novsto") - pronounced noss-toss - plural複數為: nostoi (noss-toy),又它非書 不該用《諾斯托伊》處理(nostoi〔自特洛伊回歸之詩 (poems of return from Troy)〕
這方面可以用「nostalgia思鄉苦 (Homesickness; esp., a severe and sometimes fatal form of melancholia, due to homesickness.)」之字源說明一下。
據Webster’s 1913 Dictionary , 它是由 希臘文組成 fr. Gr. nostos (a return home) + algos( pain.])。
最重要的,這方面又有一嚴重的(粗心)誤譯。I. Calvino在文末說,他認為下述這句可以代表整部史詩。
"He saw the cities and came to know the thoughts of many men."
E. V. Eieu (1946企鵝版 )譯為:
He saw the cities of many peoples and he learnt their ways.
聯經的曹譯本,可能根據此…..城池 學習…….
(張瑞麟:據時空背景,the cities應該還是指(古希臘之)城邦 /saw可當「遊覽」解。many men自然就是指各城邦的men)
我用Google Print 再找到最近兩版本之翻譯:
-----2000 Hackett Publishing
Page lxiii
Speak Of all the cities he saw, the minds he grasped, The suffering deep in his
heart at sea 5 As he struggled to survive and bring his men home But could ...
企鵝版 1996 by Robert Fagles (p.77)
Many cities of men he saw and learned their minds.
關於《奧德賽》之four winds和其他
某人將《奧德賽》中的 four winds* 翻譯為「四風」,曾讓我糊塗,還以為是「西風」之誤,因為我們沒這種說法。此four winds意思為「東南西北」方向來的風。它已經成為通用語。不過,中文沒現成說法,所以我提問:這four winds有無通用語如「八風」?(感謝「老朋友」和瑞麟之討論。)
(我認為可以將four winds翻譯成「八風」--八方所吹的風。呂氏春秋˙有始覽˙有始:「何謂八風?東北曰:炎風 ,東方曰:滔風,東南曰: 熏風,南方曰:巨風,西南曰: 淒風,西方曰:飂風 ,西北曰厲風,北風曰: 寒風。 」它可以用來比喻天下民心。南朝梁˙劉勰˙文心雕龍˙樂府:「敷訓胄子,必歌九德,故能情感七始,化動八風。」)
Odysseus stopped at Aiolia, home of Aeolus, the god of the winds. He gave them hospitality for a month and provided for a west wind to carry them home. Unfortunately he also provided a gift of a bag containing each of the four winds, which Odysseus/ crew members, suspecting that treasure was in the bag, opened just before their home was reached. They were blown back to Aiolia, where Aeolus refused to provide any further help.
按,這 four winds 之說法,只是一種版本,根據其他的版本說法,該風袋中裝的是「好風」(順風)、「壞風」(逆風)或「各路狂風」(wild winds’ ways)。
... driven time and again off course, once he had plundered the hallowed heights
of Troy. Many cities of men he saw arid learned their minds,…Some of them, like the Phaeacians and Aeolus, king of the winds, will be perfect hosts, entertaining him lavishly and sending him on his way with precious ...He bound wild winds’ ways ...
「老朋友」 留言:Le meteque 的第一句話 "Avec ma gueule de meteque, de juif errant, de patre grec / et mes cheveux aux quatre vents, / avec mes yeux tout delaves, qui me donnent l"air de rever, / moi qui ne reve plus souvent." 我翻譯成:
「Quatre vents」指的應該是「四風」,我不認為「口風」和「耳風」能吹亂「頭髮」,既使那一蓬亂髮可能有其它的象徵意義。
"Four Winds" by: Sara Teasdale
"Four winds blowing thro/ the sky,
You have seen poor maidens die,
Tell me then what I shall do
That my lover may be true."
Said the wind from out the south,
"Lay no kiss upon his mouth,"
And the wind from out the west,
"Wound the heart within his breast,"
And the wind from out the east,
"Send him empty from the feast,"
And the wind from out the north,
"In the tempest thrust him forth,
When thou art more cruel than he,
Then will Love be kind to thee."
張貼留言 (Atom)
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